Wednesday 23 November 2005


For anyone who has ever been in the throes of analysis paralysis - which is coming up for me with the results of the ICTPD online survey. Impending ERO visits, annual reviews, MOE requirements (of any flavour). You would do well to read Malcolm Gladwell's 'Blink'
He talks about the 'Perils of Introspection'
Relate the experiences of a successful military commander to how we operate in schools...
"The overall guidance and the intent were provided by me and the senior leadership, but the forces in the field wouldn't depend on intricate orders coming from the top. They were to use their own initiative and be innovative as they went forward...Once the fighting started, Van Riper didn't want introspection. He didn't want long meetings. He didn't want explanations. "I told our staff that we would use none of the terminology the Blue Team was using. I never wanted to hear that word 'effects', except in normal conversation. I didn't want to hear about Operational Net Assessment. We would not get caught up in any of these mechanistic processes. We would use the wisdom, the experience, and the good judgement of the people we had." This kind of management clearly has its risks. It meant Van Riper didn't always have a clear idea of what his troops were up to. It meant he had to place a lot of trust in his subordinates. It was, by his own admission, a "messy" way to make decisions. But it had one overwhelming advantage: allowing people to operate withoug having to explain themselves constantly...enables rapid cognition."


Bruce Hammonds said...

Love Gladwell - see also his book Tipping Point.

Anonymous said...

Ahh Rachel, loved this post - it reminded me of a question I raised unsuccessfully in the ict_pd online community in response to a request to ask about the ict_pd review process.

You do this so much more elegantly than me - Wish I had called my query The Perils of Introspection / Analysis Paralysis or even "When Accountability Goes Bad" - might have got a better response -

I framed my query as as "Hunting Behaviour"

Hi Nick,

Biological systems, electrical engineering designs, and economic modeling which include feedback loops are prone to hunting. An oscillation of output that results when they respond to positive and then negative feedback. With mechanical devices hunting can in some circumstances destroy the device. I believe that ict_pd clusters in the review process might well be vulnerable in the same regard.

If we think of it in terms of guarding against oscillation but spurning vacillation, then

1. How might we guard against oscillation and the inevitable hunting behaviour that develops as a result of the review process?

2. How can we ensure our inputs for feedback are properly rather than improperly tuned?

3. How can we ensure that we know when to remain steadfast when we are asked to tilt, and when to tilt when we are asked to remain steadfast?

Artichoke in Tilt